Welcome To Pratchetville Ep 2 - A Luminal Space at a Library's Pace

Welcome To Pratchetville Ep 2 - A Luminal Space at a Library's Pace

While Hazel and her new Imaginary Friend go off into the woods, trouble is brewing in town for unkillable hoodie wearing Tyrell as he checks into the local library and manages to catch the attention of more than one mysterious being. Can the Curio Corey Costley jump to his aid or is he doomed to another pointless death and Rebirth?
Cover Art by: Ghost
Welcome To Pratchetville Theme by: Adam
Promo 2 Dollar Creature Feature
Formerly Dungeons and Pop now Gestalheim Productions
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Fictional Heroism
Adventurers With Attitude
Three Mask Planning
Stories and Steins
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Three Besties and a Guestie
Talk Anything with Cass
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